Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Truman & Penny's Fundraiser

I just wanted to thank everyone who ordered cookie dough and/or cheesecakes for Truman and Penny's daycare fundraiser. Truman was the number one seller in the WHOLE SCHOOL!!!! That means we get a free week of tuition for him (SWEET!), and his class gets an ice cream party for being the class with the most sales. The daycare will be using the funds to purchase new playground equipment and computers, so all of the children thank you for that! The orders should arrive in about 10 days, so as soon as we have everything we'll bring it to Grandma Angie's.

Thanks again!

Dan, Stacey, Truman and Penny

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

oh my gosh! free tuition for a week!?!? That is so great!!! Good job Truman! :)