Monday, July 28, 2008

Latest Danny Project...thats not the bathroom

Here's the latest project we've done over here in Lyndurst...remember there used to be a wall there...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Amy's New Squeeze!

This is Adam! I met him at a party of a mutual friend of ours. He is 20 and he graduated from Euclid High School. Coincidentaly he works at my high school right now. HA! He is planning on going to Lakeland CC for Criminal Justice to catch them criminals who shoot good people.

My mom took this picture because I couldnt figure out how to take a picture of us without looking all deformed and such.

yea...lets just leave it at that...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The 4th in DC

Joe and Joey at the Washington Monument

Hanging out at the Washington Monument - that thing is HUGE!

Taking a break while the parade is starting.

Getting ready for the day :)

This 4th of July the Scibanas and Scolaros took a trip to the nation's capitol. MB has never been there!!! We all had a GREAT time-even Joey :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Joey's New Bling

I had the distinct honor of being invited to spend an outing with Elizabeth and Joey...Joey was getting her ears pierced!

Before...her cute chubby lobes...

After...her cute chubby, shiny lobes...
Now, the video you are about to see will break your heart...Joey being as brave as she possibly can....

thanks for including me!!!


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Marsh Kid 5K

What a good looking bunch of runners! We rocked it! =) We ran the West Side Catholic Center's 5K on June 14. I had fun. It was just great to be together accomplishing a goal together. I loved it. (Not so sure if all of us loved it.) ;)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

So much going on!

Does anyone have pics from Mexican day to post??

What about from the Marsh-kid 5k?

What about the Fourth? Either from DC or Cleveland?

We need to keep this thing updated, people.

I don't have any pictures... but trent and I had a fabulous time both trips to Cleveland! Now we're ready for all the trips out to Chicago!!

So much love,